Wednesday 29 June 2016

My speech

“Eating Healthy and getting good sleep”
Say you wake in the morning only with 2 hours sleep from partying all night you're late for school. No time for making breakfast so you grab a can of coke and a pie from the dairy. Then you remember you have a big exam, and you get a “F”. All because you didn't get to bed in time and had a rubbish breakfast.

I encourage you to eat healthy and sleep for at least 10 hours a night, because your overall health will improve also you will not get diabetes or any of those things.
Your immune system is affected by sleep in a good way. Your immune system is basically like a military for your body fighting off bacteria and colds, little cells destroying the enemy. Sleep helps your immune system. When you sleep your body heart rate slows down and your body relaxes and regenerates your energy which goes around your body repowering your organs and of course your immune system, then when colds attack your immune system will be ready and kill the bacteria faster. Your tiny warriors will be victorious once again.

Obesity, one of the biggest problems in our world, kids our overweight because of Mc Donald's, KFC, Burger King and pizza. I say if we didn't have those fast food places we would have much less obese kids. Mostly because all of there meals are ridden with fat, take one big mac it has 15 grams of fat, 460 ml of sodium and 257 calories. Think kids are having this once a week or maybe twice a week that's all those calories, eaten by children every week. Now that's going to be a problem.

In conclusion, I encourage you to get some good food into you and some great old sleep and don’t go and get Mcdonalds, instead cook your own food. Some nice chicken, bacon and mashed potato, my mouth is watering already. So my word of advice is eat healthy and have at least 10 hours sleep.


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