Tuesday 29 November 2016

My art work

This is my art work one half  is a forest with wacky birds and the other half is a polluted city with a bunch of mutants

Thursday 3 November 2016

Sustainability poster

We had to make sustainability posters and it had to send a message.

This is what I did


Monday 5 September 2016

Games on PC/Console

Games on PC/Console

Age(15 responses)
012345678Other12118 (53.3%)7 (46.7%)0 (0%)
What do you game on(14 responses)
012345678910ConsolePC6 (42.9%)10 (71.4%)
What genre of game do you like(14 responses)
00.511.522.533.544.555.56OtherHorrorSandboxMMORPGRPGFirst person…6 (42.9%)3 (21.4%)1 (7.1%)3 (21.4%)2 (14.3%)5 (35.7%)
What is your favorite game developer(14 responses)
00.511.522.533.544.55OtherTryarchBethesdaRe-logic2KValve4 (28.6%)5 (35.7%)4 (28.6%)2 (14.3%)3 (21.4%)4 (28.6%)
Favourite game(15 responses)

Thursday 25 August 2016

Badminton at the olympics


I serve and hit the shuttlecock over the net the shuttlecock  is soaring through the air like a majestic eagle. My opponent just catches it and it flies over the over the net, I hit it back once again this time he misses. Round 2 is next this time he serves, this match goes on for a bit of hitting the shuttlecock back and forth, finally I hit him out. Eventually I win and receive a gold medal.

We had to write about being in the olympics so we choose a sport and wrote about the sport.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Something i'm proud of my speech

Something I am really proud of is: I'm proud of how I have added detail and info to back up my argument

My speech

“Eating Healthy and getting good sleep”
Say you wake in the morning only with 2 hours sleep from partying all night you're late for school. No time for making breakfast so you grab a can of coke and a pie from the dairy. Then you remember you have a big exam, and you get a “F”. All because you didn't get to bed in time and had a rubbish breakfast.

I encourage you to eat healthy and sleep for at least 10 hours a night, because your overall health will improve also you will not get diabetes or any of those things.
Your immune system is affected by sleep in a good way. Your immune system is basically like a military for your body fighting off bacteria and colds, little cells destroying the enemy. Sleep helps your immune system. When you sleep your body heart rate slows down and your body relaxes and regenerates your energy which goes around your body repowering your organs and of course your immune system, then when colds attack your immune system will be ready and kill the bacteria faster. Your tiny warriors will be victorious once again.

Obesity, one of the biggest problems in our world, kids our overweight because of Mc Donald's, KFC, Burger King and pizza. I say if we didn't have those fast food places we would have much less obese kids. Mostly because all of there meals are ridden with fat, take one big mac it has 15 grams of fat, 460 ml of sodium and 257 calories. Think kids are having this once a week or maybe twice a week that's all those calories, eaten by children every week. Now that's going to be a problem.

In conclusion, I encourage you to get some good food into you and some great old sleep and don’t go and get Mcdonalds, instead cook your own food. Some nice chicken, bacon and mashed potato, my mouth is watering already. So my word of advice is eat healthy and have at least 10 hours sleep.


Success criteria for a speech

Success Criteria - being able to:                                                                  

Write an introduction that clearly states my point of view on the topic.
Present one key point/reason in each paragraph (3 paragraphs) that is introduced in the topic sentence.
Make sure that each reason is supported by evidence and examples.
Organise the points in a logical order, beginning with the most important.

Use persuasive language features (repetition, conjunctions, emotive language, pronouns, imperatives)

Write a conclusion that summarises the main points made in my argument.
Accurately use spelling, punctuation and grammar

Tuesday 17 May 2016

In class our inquiry is the human body, so we all wrote an ode about body parts.
Ode to my spine
Oh my golden spine how you keep me up straight and give me ability to move forward.
Without you I would be confined to a wheelchair and have to watch everything go by.
I would not be able to do what I want.
If something were to happen you I would never be able to do what I like .
You keep me together strong and tall.
The reason I stand and walk through this land.
You are important to me in away I can’t explain.
As shiny as gold, polished and trimmed.
Thank you spine for everything and I don’t see you going anywhere soon.
When it is time that I leave, remember I’ll never forget you.


Thursday 5 May 2016

Body surgery challenge

     This is my dead body (edited) that's being fixed by professional surgeons.
This was a challenge that our teacher put together, we had to color and cut organs I was the patient by the way. Everyone got into a group of four, one person in every group was the patient, The rest made the organs. I want to know more how the liver works and how powerful stomach acid is.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

term 2 goals

These are my goals for term 2 2016. I'm excited for this term and the opportunities that it holds.

  • I am going to stop
  • Staying in my comfort zone
  • I am going to keep
  • Trying my best
  • I am going to start
  • Stepping out of my comfort zone

Wednesday 6 April 2016


Today we watched a short film called Jack and Tom. It was about two friends who fought together during WW1. Here are some of the words that represent what Anzac means today.

Monday 4 April 2016

Math lesson for prime numbers

Today in maths we used the sieve of eratosthenes to find all of the prime numbers up to 100. A prime number is a number that can only be multiplied by 1 and itself.