Tuesday 17 May 2016

In class our inquiry is the human body, so we all wrote an ode about body parts.
Ode to my spine
Oh my golden spine how you keep me up straight and give me ability to move forward.
Without you I would be confined to a wheelchair and have to watch everything go by.
I would not be able to do what I want.
If something were to happen you I would never be able to do what I like .
You keep me together strong and tall.
The reason I stand and walk through this land.
You are important to me in away I can’t explain.
As shiny as gold, polished and trimmed.
Thank you spine for everything and I don’t see you going anywhere soon.
When it is time that I leave, remember I’ll never forget you.


Thursday 5 May 2016

Body surgery challenge

     This is my dead body (edited) that's being fixed by professional surgeons.
This was a challenge that our teacher put together, we had to color and cut organs I was the patient by the way. Everyone got into a group of four, one person in every group was the patient, The rest made the organs. I want to know more how the liver works and how powerful stomach acid is.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

term 2 goals

These are my goals for term 2 2016. I'm excited for this term and the opportunities that it holds.

  • I am going to stop
  • Staying in my comfort zone
  • I am going to keep
  • Trying my best
  • I am going to start
  • Stepping out of my comfort zone